I want expand my last post (Immediately invoked function expression aka IIFE), by more examples of using IIFE.
IIFE can be also used like this:
var foo = function() { // code }();
However, it’s better practice to do this like this, because of code readability:
var foo = (function() { // long code })();
If you have on your page jQuery and maybe other JS library that uses $ sing to access it. You may use this little pattern to pass library to IIFE, the way it will not make conflicts. And also get advantage of $ access to that library:
(function($) { // code using $ })(jQuery);
Also it helps with rendering animations:
(function animation_loop() { window.requestAnimationFrame(animation_loop) render(): })();
It’s protect against unwanted globals:
(function() { window.public = 'foo'; var private = 'bar'; })(); // latter on public; // foo private; // undefined
Useful if you want compute and return value in one statement:
var browser = { vendor_prefix : (function() { var prefix; // compute stuff return prefix; })() };
Create a class in one statement:
var MyClass = (function() { function MyClass(foo) { this.foo = foo; } MyClass.prototype = { bar : 'baz' }; return MyClass; })();
Creating private variables:
var number = (function() { var num =0, add = function(n) { num = num + n;}, get = function() { return num; }; return { add:add, get:get}; })();
create private functions:
var foo = (function() { var priv = function() { alert('Hi'); }, publ = function() { priv(); } return publ; })();